Health writer Suzanne Baum gets her hands, and feet, on the brand new Peloton Tread before anyone else! Find out what she thinks, plus check out 11 other 2021 health and fitness hacks in the January issue of Top Sante, on sale now! (Click here to purchase).

Health writer Suzanne Baum tries out the new Peloton Tread
Please be aware that as of May 2021 Peloton is recalling Tread and Tread+ models due to a number of alleged injuries and one reported death. Peloton’s full statement can be read here.
Running is extremely new to me. And before I kick off my Peloton Tread review, I have to confess; before the first lockdown I had a love/hate relationship with running. If push came to shove, as it so often did, I’d reluctantly pound the streets around where I lived, praying nobody would see me as my jelly belly wobbled and the sweat poured down my face. My family would laugh as I would use every excuse not to go out for a run….I was in fact a running joke to them. However, as the world began to turn on its head, I turned on my heels and embraced the way a run made me feel. It gave me an opportunity to be in the moment, rather than worry about the future, a chance to get my mental health under control and most importantly help with the excess amount of food I was eating stuck at home.
Running in fact gave me a new lease of life, a bounce in my step. It in some ways became a lifeline to me as I suffered from anxiety brought on by the coronavirus. So, pushing my best foot forward, I was ecstatic to embrace Peloton’s new product – the Tread – that launches this week in the UK. Peloton has been leading the way in at-home fitness since the release of their first bike back in 2014 and has since created a loyal community of more than 3.6 million members. I am in fact one of them, having decided – after wasting money on numerous gym memberships for myself and my three teenage sons – that it was better value to let the family use the bike. And, throughout the past year in lockdown, it has proven invaluable to us all. So, with a membership already with Peloton, I was super happy to see many of the Tread’s classes are run by some instructors I already know.
Running Commentary: First Impressions
First impressions, the Tread is so super sleek. I was concerned where on earth the 131kg product would fit in my home without looking an eye sore or killing a child or dog. However, despite its weight, it kind of fitted in snuggly along a wall in my living room without sticking out like a sore thumb. It is extremely sturdy too but that is no surprise considering it weighs a tonne. And it looks pretty cool – nothing like a beast of a treadmill I have been on previously. And then there is its 23.8” HD touchscreen, so lush and full of everything you need to take part in hundreds of different running
classes on the machine.
Running Commentary: On the Run

Health writer Suzanne Baum completing a running class on the new Peloton Tread
So, what does it feel like to use? Importantly, it feels really comfortable to run on. It’s quiet, too – the belt runs so smoothly your feet hardly make a noise. I even tested it out on my very athletic 18 and 19 year old sons whose footwork is not normally so delicate.
It also felt so spacious and roomy. I am used to tiny running belts or treadmills that tend to be super slim, but the Tread gives you so much room and also a longer running belt so if you want to slow down, you can easily, without the fear of flying off the back of the machine. It also couldn’t be simpler to use. The control knobs for speed and incline are by far the easiest I’ve ever used and work effortlessly.
I opted for a 30 minute class just to try and get the hang of the machine. It was super fun, energetic and easy to follow. The trainer—I worked out with Rebecca Kennedy – provides you with such positive vibes and encouragement. As someone who needs that in all areas of my life, it felt crucial for my run. I am used to the motivational support the trainers give you from my bike use but it seemed to come in super handy when running.
During the class, I opted to see the leader board, which – like the bike – shows your rank against others taking the class. Obviously, I was the only UK member on it, but I presume that will change once it rolls out properly. I loved that I didn’t have to rely on my Fitbit to note the speed, calories burned and distance I had covered; that is all displayed there for you (and everyone else to see) if required. It also means that if your brain does wonder, or you feel boredom set in, all I did was try to beat the 32-year-old male runner from Connecticut who was ahead of me. That certainly gave me a runner’s high! And the other classes I tried out were just as good. A 20-minute pop run left me wanting more and the 45-minute interval training class was perfect for my eldest son who is training for a marathon.
Running cost: is a 5k run worth the 2k-plus price tag?

Health writer Suzanne Baum recommends the new Peloton Tread for at-home workout fans
It may be very early days for me but I know I am in for the long run. This treadmill is pretty awesome! Of course, without a doubt, it is super pricey at £2,295, but for gym users or those that have fallen in love with at-home workouts, this is a worthwhile buy. It helps that there are so many finance options, you can pay it off monthly over years.
It’s a treadmill that, in Peloton’s own words, is “the best belt treadmill on the market”. I plan to discover if this in fact true. A lot of us are running on empty right now after a terrible year during the pandemic so this machine and the benefits of running as part of a (virtual) community, is one way to help you step through the storm. I think I have found my happy p(l)ace.
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