


Cookie Policy

About our cookies – supporting your informed choice

Please note: this is our initial policy and what we see as the 1st stage of achieving privacy compliance for all visitors to our site (including Opt In / Opt Out). There is a degree of confusion currently around what is considered consent for cookies – and this is likely to be the case for a little while yet – so here at Kelsey Publishing Group (KPG) we are not just addressing the legal compliance aspects, we also believe in open and transparent business operations.
Apart from the additional information provided by this update, the operation of the website has not changed or been modified. The detail contained within this page is provided to ensure you are fully aware of the cookies we have in use, allowing you to make an informed choice about your continued acceptance of cookies.

We are currently examining all elements of our web operations and working on a 3-stage approach to meet the EU guidelines relating to protecting your privacy online — we want you to be 100% confident in using our site, and for you to be more than satisfied that your privacy is of the utmost importance to us.

The 1st stage is all about us providing you with the detail around the cookies we use. The 2nd stage is about internal change across our business – to educate staff as to the importance and understanding of online privacy, together with the updating of our internal policies and procedures. The 3rd stage is ensuring that all of our suppliers (internal and external) disclose the detail of any likely impact that their products and services could have on your privacy. There are a number of areas of our business under review and, where required, we may change our operating practices, technology, terms and conditions (mobile, email etc.).

Currently, across for various reasons we make use of cookies technology to help manage the site and your visitor experience. These cookies may be used to collect analytics of ‘non-personal’ visitor activity outlines, manage user logins and personal preferences, provide relevant or timely information to you or offer focused advertisements.

Cookies set across our site, set by our 3rd-party partners or us, can be in the form of session or persistent cookies, and may use different technologies, such as JavaScript or Flash. If you would like to ‘opt-out’ of the cookies from our site, this can be accomplished on a cookie-by-cookie basis subject to browser settings. You may limit site operation or functions if you limit cookies.

Accepting the use of login functionality, without exception, you must explicitly agree to the setting of specific cookies, which allow this area to function. The cookies in use for secure areas are provided within the terms and conditions of use for the appropriate area.

Use of Flash files

Across we make use of Flash files. These present information, allow integration with 3
Currently technology is limited in its ability to review the ‘inner workings’ of Flash files. We have strived to identify any Flash elements that are likely to set cookies but, at this point in time, we cannot guarantee the status of every Flash file.

Adobe offer a tool to monitor, opt out and remove ‘Flash cookies’ which is available at:

  1. Manage, disable Local Shared Objects
  2. Global Storage Settings Panel

Shopping cart/transactional areas 
There are some areas of our site that make use of shopping carts or forms of technology which at times have to make use of cookies – the ones used on a permanent basis are detailed in the cookies table. From time to time we may add functionality to our site e.g. surveys, comparisons etc., and these often come from 3rd parties – we will endeavour to ensure full disclosure of any cookies are made.

Areas of the site requiring a login 
Accepting the use of login functionality, without exception, you must explicity agree to the setting of specific cookies, which allow this area to function. The cookies in use for secure areas are provided within the terms and conditions of the appropriate area.

If you have any further questions, would like any further clarification around our use of cookies or wish to discuss how we are embracing online privacy, please email us at or read the Multi Layered Privacy Notice