Top Santé editor chops her hair for charity – and you can too!
Get a brand new look while donating your long hair to charity on #Choptoyourchin day.
This Thursday, September 21, ghd and Little Princess Trust are encouraging people with long hair to proudly chop to their chin and donate their hair to the Little Princess Trust.
The charity supplies real hair wigs free of charge to children across the UK and Ireland who have lost their own hair through cancer treatment and other illnesses.
Top Santé’s editor Katy Sunnassee went for the plunge and posted her long plait off to the charity.
‘I’d been getting fed up with my long hair for months – it stuck to my seat belt, got caught in my coat and under my handbag strap, and was looking very straggly and split at the ends.

‘Ordinarily I’d have ended up going for the usual couple of inches off to tidy it up but when I saw the campaign by ghd and Little Princess Trust I thought why not? I knew I had at least seven inches to spare.’
Katy went to PKai’s Westgate salon in Peterborough where salon director Helena was more than happy to perform the chop.
‘I felt pretty nervous when they got out the kitchen scissors to hack off my plait, and for a few minutes wondered what I’d gone and done! But, after trimming, shaping and styling into a funky, textured ‘lob’ (long bob), I thought it looked and felt great, and I knew I was going to be helping a worthy cause.’

Little Princess Trust was founded in 2006 in memory of five-year-old Hannah Tarplee, who lost her life due to cancer the previous year.
The charity helps those with cancer up to the age of 24 with as many wigs as necessary for the duration of their treatment and hair loss. Little Princess Trust also gives a single wig to children who lose their hair due to non life-threatening conditions.
The Trust has given away more than 5,000 free wigs since its inception. To donate, you must have a minimum of 7 inches (17cm) although there is a greater need for hair that is 12 inches / 30cm or more.

‘I ended up having nine inches cut off to bring it to just under my chin,’ says Katy. ‘I’ll have to update my editor’s letter picture now as that still shows me with long hair and a fringe!’
Go for the chop this Thursday September 21 and spread the word on social media using #choptoyourchin. Find your nearest participating salon at
Alternatively, see whether your regular salon will let you keep your hair. Find guidelines for hair types and the address to send it to at and also at
Even if you can’t do it this month, ghd is supporting the charity until the end of October 2017.