Professional dancer Dianne Buswell, 35, talks to Joanna Ebsworth about the confidence-boosting power of having good skin, her passion for wellness, and why taking care of her body and mind for Strictly Come Dancing starts long before the show kicks off.

Words: Joanna Ebsworth. Images: Nicky Johnston.

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Having great skin is really important to me. When I was younger, I couldn’t leave the house without at least putting on some foundation, and that’s probably because I didn’t feel comfortable in my own skin. On the flip side, I never did much with skincare. Growing up in Australia, I didn’t realize at the time how much damage the sun could cause my skin. You just think you’re invincible and that your skin will be fine forever. And then you start to get older and realize you really need to make more of an effort.

I work in an industry where I always have to look at my face. I’m always in front of a mirror or on TV, and that means I see everything. So, it’s important to me that I feel comfortable and confident in my skin. These days, I don’t feel the need to go out wearing foundation all the time, but I think that has come with age, and looking after my skin more. I love the feeling of a “no make-up day” and letting my skin breathe when I’ve got time off from dancing. Wearing heavy make-up and sweating through two shows a day, every day, can really take its toll on your skin. Sure, I get the odd breakout, but that’s down to hormones and can’t be helped.

Nowadays, I stick to a very simple skincare routine. Like I said before, I never really did skincare when I was younger so I could never start a 20-step routine because I wouldn’t stick to it! But give me a few good products and I’ll use them religiously. I’ve been using the New Nordic Hyaluronic Skincare range for two years and I love it because it adds moisture into my skin and works on fine lines and wrinkles. Not that I’m saying I have loads of fine lines, but the hyaluronic acid is excellent for prevention.

I used to feel so self-conscious about my under-eye area. I’d put makeup on for a show and, because the skin under my eyes was so dry, my under-eye area would look wrinkly. Honestly, ask anyone who used to do my make-up and they’ll tell you I always asked for no make-up under my eyes. But that’s why I love using the amazing New Nordic Hyaluronic Eye Cream (£29.95, so much. It’s changed my life because now I can actually put concealer underneath my eyes and feel okay about it! I also use the Hyaluronic Active Serum (£34.95), and the Hyaluronic Active Cream (£39.95), on my face morning and night and I’m genuinely so much happier with the texture and moisture of my skin. It gives my skin the glow I’ve always wished I’d had.

I also like to look after my skin from the inside out. The one thing my mum taught me when I was younger was to take my vitamin C, so I always took it religiously. Now, however, I take it in the form of the New Nordic Hyaluronic Shot (£33.95 for 15 sachets), because it contains vitamin C along with hyaluronic acid, marine collagen, and sea buckthorn. I’d say it’s my hero product, because it improves my skin elasticity and keeps my skin healthy from within, rather than just on the surface. It blows my mind that I’m happy not to wear make-up now, but when I do put my foundation on, it looks so much smoother and glossier. It’s music to my ears when people tell me my skin looks great.

Looking after myself for Strictly Come Dancing is an all-year-round job. Before a new series, I like to make sure my hair, skin, and nails are looking good because once it starts, self-care goes out the window – and that’s a true story! You’re constantly teaching or thinking about choreography and how you can make a dance better, so I like to take care of myself and prep my body before it all kicks off. When you feel good in yourself, you execute happiness, so I love doing all the things I know my body will love me for.

I love anything wellness-based. Like, I’m really into it. I love going to cryotherapy chambers and infrared saunas and hot yoga, and I’ve been having Body Ballancer sessions for lymphatic drainage. I also go to this little meditation pod as it gives me a chance to be calm and think and enjoy the quiet moments, because quiet moments are just as important as all the busy moments, if not more so. Journalling is important too, especially when I’m having a day where lots of things seem to be going wrong. Looking back over my journal and seeing everything I’ve achieved that week, or even that day, helps me to feel happiness and gratitude, which genuinely changes your state of mind.

When I’m doing Strictly, dancing is more than enough to keep me fit. But when I’m not doing the show, it’s crucial that I keep moving and stretching to prevent injuries and stop my body from seizing up. Luckily, I love to move my body – it’s more of a mental health and endorphin thing for me! I honestly don’t have a set routine and prefer to play it by ear. I like to do less impactful activities, so I alternate between walking, swimming, yoga, and Pilates. I also love running but I don’t like the feeling of it on my joints, so I only do it every now and then…

Read the full interview in the September issue of Top Santé, out now!

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Dianne Buswell is brand ambassador for Scandinavian health and beauty brand New Nordic (